0418 529 121

  • A little about our services

    What can you expect at Glastonpark Spaniels?


    Initially we'll meet with you either face to face or over the phone to discuss your requirements and get a feel for what you would like to achieve with your dog.


    Whether it is to have a field trial champion or a champion companion we should have a springer to suit you.


    We don't believe in "puppy farming", in fact we think this practice is abhorrent. Because of this there may be a wait for the right springer. Of course we are happy to add you to our waiting list if there is a wait, and we will keep you informed.


    Please have a look below at all the services we offer.

  • Glastonpark Quickstart Program

    In our Quickstart Programme you and your pup will:-


    - Develop a learning pattern that allows them to win rewards for the correct behaviour.

    - Sitting still – this is a trait that many gundog trainers do not develop enough.  The only brakes you have with a good working gundog is that pup putting his bum on the floor and keeping it there until it’s told to do something else.

    - Avoiding temptation; all pups get distracted easily, we will show you how to keep your pup on track & concentrating on you.

    - Walking calmly on the lead

    - Introduction to water

    - Basic retrieving techniques, retrieving to hand


    The Quickstart Programme is open to a limited number of puppies at a time.  That way you and your pup will benefit more from each class.


    Each Quickstart Programme lasts for 8 weeks.


    Each session is approx 1 hour with light refreshments after and extra time to chat.


    Please register your interest in the next program by sending us a message under I've got more questions

  • Intermediate Gun Dog Training

    Once you and your puppy have been through our Quickstart Program, you may want to look at more advanced levels of training. For this we have our Intermediate level.


    Now that your puppy has mastered the basics it is time to take you and your puppy to the next level. In our Intermediate Program your puppy will learn to;

    - Walk to heal off the lead,

    - Basic marked retrieve on land,

    - Sit & Stay whilst distracted,

    - Develop its hunting instinct,

    - Introduction to sitting to the whistle,

    - Introduction to quartering the ground.

  • Advanced Gun Dog Training

    Once you and your puppy have been through our Quickstart Program and Intermediate Program, you may want to look at more advanced levels of training. For this we have our Advanced Program.


    Now that your puppy has mastered Quartering and Sitting to the whistle as well as a Basic marked retirieve its time to move to the next level. In our Advanced Program your puppy will learn to;

    - Quarter in a pattern

    - Introduction to various types of Game

    - Marked and Blind retrieves

    - Introduction to Gun Shot

    - Whistle training, sit, turn, come

    - Handling the dog, back, right, left

  • Trained Dogs

    Each year we are also able to offer a limited number of trained dogs. These springers have been trained by Steve personally and can be trained in 3 levels.


    All of our dogs come vaccinated, regularly wormed, and leave us with a full veterinary check and micro-chipped.


    Please contact us if you would like information and costs for Level I, II & III trained dogs.

    Level I Dog:

    The level I dog lacks formal training, but has been properly introduced to rabbits and birds. Whistle training has commenced at this stage. It has mastered a basic understanding of obedience commands (kennel, sit/hup, come, and will walk without pulling on the lead). It sounds simple, but most dogs are not properly started and this then causes problems in later training.


    This is a good purchase for a client who wants to get a young dog and do the bulk of the training. Especially if the client has limited time or access to property to get the basics instilled.

    Level II Dog:

    Having completed Level I training, formal training has begun. You’ll have a dog that will find rabbits and birds and hunt in control without yelling or excessive use of the whistle. It will retrieve shot game to hand with a soft mouth.


    Months of training have gone into this dog and this option is ideal for the hunter who doesn't have the time or knowledge to take a dog to this level but just wants to go hunting.


    This dog will do everything most people will ever want.

    Level III Dog:

    These dogs are just something special.


    This is the polished result and something to make your hunting companions jealous. All of the training is completed and the dog is steady-to-wing-and-shot.


    This is a dog that is trained to the whistle and complies with commands first time.


    It will drop to flush, the whistle or gunfire without being told and will only move when you give the command to retrieve the downed rabbit or bird.


    It has been shot over for at least one season and has worked on rabbits, pheasants, partridge, ducks and quail.


    Rarely will you see a dog as well trained and professionally finished as these dogs.



  • I've got more questions!!!!

    Fantasitic, we would love to help answer any questions you may have about our dogs. You can call Steve directly on his mobile or submit your question below.



    0418 529 121



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